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15 Apr 2024

Fee Levels for Academic Year 2025/26

Dear Parents

Earlier this evening, the ESF Board met to approve our budget for the coming academic year.

As is the case every year, when looking at our future financial plans, our Board seeks to strike a balance between having a level of resource available to us that allows us to recruit and retain the very best teachers and support staff and setting the fees that you pay at a reasonable and proportionate level.

The Board having these two objectives constantly at the front of their minds over a number of years has allowed us to get to where we are now: a world-class education system that consistently delivers outstanding results for every student, while maintaining a fee level that remains amongst the lowest of any international school or group in Hong Kong.

So, as we look ahead to next year, the Board has given approval for an average fee increase of 4.8%. The breakdown of this increase – which is subject to approval by the EDB – is set out in the table below.

2023/24 Annual Tuition Fees

2024/25 Annual Tuition Fees

Monthly Increase

Monthly Increase

Year 1-6126,200132,5004.99630
Year 7-9 (Year 9 becomes non-subvented in 2024/25)167,100173,9004.07680
Year 10-11 (subvented)145,400152,2004.68680
Year 12-13 (subvented)152,900160,1004.71720

I know that the Hong Kong economy, like that of the world more generally, continues to face uncertainties. I want to assure you that our commitment to a prudent ‘best value’ financial model remains resolute. We value both the trust you have placed in us and the investment you have made in your child’s education. We honour that trust by controlling our costs and making sure that every dollar, every cent is spent for the benefit of our students and their futures.

I have often said that the quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. This is something I know to be true. Even with the advances of technology, the proliferation of AI and the many uncertainties about future jobs, I am absolutely clear that investing in the world’s best teachers will reap the biggest reward for the 18,500 students who walk through our school gates every day.

Nothing could or should replace the relationship between teachers and students – and that is my promise to you. Whatever ESF school your child attends, they will always be taught by the best.

As always, thank you for your support of your school and of ESF.


Belinda Greer
Chief Executive