The ESF Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is broadly constituted and includes ten independent members, seven directly elected parent members, one Committee of Parents Governor, three School Council Chairs, four members of staff (including a principal) and the Chief Executive Officer (ex officio).

The current membership of the ESF Board of Governors is as follows:

Independent GovernorsDr Kim Mak, BBS JP
Ms Edith Shih
Vice Chair
Mr Stephen Weatherseed
Chair of the Audit Committee
Mr Peter Burnett
Chair of the Finance Committee
Ms Anne Choi
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Mr Tim Blackburn
Mr Mervyn Jacob
Ms Daisy Lee
Ms Corinne Remedios
School Council ChairMs Linda Csellak
Mr Andrew Nowak-Solinski
Mr Alec Tong
Directly Elected Parent GovernorsDr Vindya Bhat
Mr David L. Butts
Dr. Mark Greene
Prof. Tony Ke
Mr Philip Smith
Ms Anne-Maree Soon
Ms Serena Zheng
Committee of Parents’ GovernorMs Fatema Jangbarwala
Committee of Principals’ GovernorMr Chris Coyle
Committee of Teaching Staff’s GovernorsMr Sam Counsell
Ms Charlotte Phillips
Committee of Support Staff’s GovernorMs Saffron Brown
Chief Executive Officer (ex officio)Mrs Belinda Greer

Updated: March 2025