Finding meaning as a student at Discovery College
What does it mean to be a student?
Last year the ESF Discovery College Student Council was asked to do a review of the DC Vision Statement – ‘Grow. Discover. Dream’ in preparation for its CIS/WASC Preparatory Visit. To launch this review, they first collected student voice by asking fellow students “What does it mean to be a DC student?”
The Student Council received powerful responses that described what a DC student should be, but also discovered that some student behaviour did not always reflect our Vision, in particular around the community and toward some of our Support Staff. The CIS/WASC Preparatory Report supported this view with a recommendation that the Student Council work on this.
With this, the Student Council embarked on a large scale, ongoing project to encourage all community members to appreciate and model the phrase “With privilege comes responsibility”.
The Student Council worked with the Film and Drama faculties to create 3 short videos, one for each part of our Vision, each accompanied by a poster. Cartoon colouring sheets based on each video have been developed for younger students. To further support, a set of 3 stuffed animals are being given to each primary classroom to be cared for by students who most embody the attributes of each part of our Vision Statement.